Acton Children's Business Fair of Washington, DC

Saturday, May 10, 2025, 10:00am-12:30pm
(Rain Date May 17, 2025)
1521 20th Street NW
Dupont Circle


Make money, have fun, and become a better entrepreneur!
— Acton Children's Business Fair participant

What young entrepreneurs like most about the business fair, in their own words:


“The chance that it gives us to do something more than what people think. People think children are not interesting all the time.”

“I appreciate that grown-ups do not get to help and the kids get to make up their own ideas and sell the product.”

“I love how each of us can create something we love and not be limited by what is easy. I love that we can take a risk and work hard.”

“Mistakes help you grow, they don’t slow you down. You have to keep trying even if you just fell on the ground.”


“It was the awesomest thing I've ever seen!”